Search and RANK
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website to improve ranking on a search engine results page (SERP). Web developers and content creators use different techniques to optimize content so the content they create appears in a search engine.
A search engine is a web tool that searches the internet for relevant information based on a search term and then displays relevant information in an organized way. There are many different search engines but the most popular by far is Google.
A search engine is like an online library of information. This vast amount of information needs to be organized in a very systematic way. Otherwise, it would be impossible to find anything you are looking for.
A web crawler crawls through a huge amount of information to catalog it. A web crawler acts like a librarian.
A librarian uses a very systematic and organized approach to keep books organized. The duey decimal system. Implementing a robust organizational system prevents books from being misplaced as well as enabling a librarian to better assist you with what you are finding.
A librarian works so hard to keep this meticulous system in place that when you go to the library, even if you pull a book from a shelf, you are asked not to put it back. Th reason for this is that a librarian does not want the book or item to be misplaced.
Not optimizing a website is the same as putting a book back in the wrong place. Even if the content is important, it won’t show up as relevant in your search results if the web crawler doesn’t know it is relevant.
When a web crawler searches for relevant content, it can pull up pages and pages of content that is relevant to the search. The information overload can be overwhelming. The web crawler does its best to rank the content that is most relevant higher. In theory, the most relevant information will be on the first page and the less relevant information will be on the other pages.
More often than not, better-quality information gets lost in the other pages. Think of it like the Billboard music chart. The more likely a song is on the billboard top 100 chart, the more likely people are going to hear the song and it will be played on the radio. The first page of a search engine results page is like the billboard’s top 100 charts. Even if other great music is out there, fewer people are going to listen to it.
Optimizing your content for a search engine will increase the likelihood that you will get a higher page rank.